Hamsa Hand Yoga Meaning, History & Benefits

The Hamsa is a hand-shaped talisman with spiritual significance in many cultures and religions. It is revered in faiths across the world, often said to signify the hand of God. In this article, we’ll walk you through the Hamsa hand meaning in yoga and how you can apply its benefits to your practice.
What Is The Hamsa Hand?
The Hamsa Hand is a sign of protection, thought to bring happiness, luck, good health and fortune. It’s also used to ward off what is often known as “the evil eye”—the cross-religious belief in a cursed stare whose destructive energies encapsulate all the negative energies in the world. The earliest known appearance of the Hamsa Hand was in ancient Mesopotamian amulets worn by female goddesses. As time went on, its use expanded into many religions, including Buddhism and Hinduism.
As for its significance in yoga, the Hamsa is said to have deep connections to what happens in our spiritual bodies and the energy that flows through them.
Channeling Your Inner Energy
One of the greatest themes in yoga is the alignment of the body’s chakras (energy centers) to stack one on top of the other. In each asana (seated yoga poste), the stacking of the chakras is said to set the ideal position for decluttering the mind through meditation. Combining this with the use of bandhas (internal locks) and mudras (hand gestures) immerses the yogi in a spiritual journey well-traveled by the ancient faiths who believed in the power of the Hamsa hand.
Hamsa Yoga Benefits, Finger By Finger
The five fingers of the Hamsa in yoga symbolize the flow of energy in the body, the interplay of the chakras, and the mudras that affect them. It is said that these energies can be combined to heal psychological and physical ailments.
- The thumb represents the fire element and the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is yellow, honoring life force and sitting in the pit of the stomach—along the Uddhiyana Bandha, or abdominal lock. It’s the “gut” that guides us and ignites us toward our passions.
- The forefinger represents the air element and the heart chakra. The heart chakra is green, honoring the heart center, one of the most liberating and radiating chakras of the yoga practice. Everything we do on the mat, we do to exalt and open the heart.
- The middle finger represents the ethereal elements and the throat chakra. The throat chakra is blue, honoring communication and sitting at the throat—just in front of the Jalandhara Bandha, or chin lock.
- The ring finger represents the earth element and the root chakra. The root chakra is red, honoring the earth and sitting at the base of the pelvis—just above the Mula Bandha, or root lock.
- The pinkie finger represents the water element and the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is orange, honoring the creative. It sits at the top of the pelvis and is the center of our emotional, creative, and sexual energy.
Meaning In The Hand’s Positioning
When the Hamsa hand faces down in Varada Mudra, it opens you up to the abundance of the universe, manifesting positive thoughts and prayers into realities! When it faces up in Abhaya Mudra, it signifies the universal sign against evil. Abhaya Mudra is called the “sign of fearlessness,” and is a powerful source of protection that shields us from himsa or harm.
Go With The Flow
We hope this article on the Hamsa hand’s yoga meaning and benefits has been enlightening! As you move through your day, we encourage you to be mindful of your energy and focus on its alignment.
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