How To Choose A Mantra For Transcendental Meditation

Have you ever wondered how to choose a mantra for transcendental meditation? While many people are lucky enough to receive a personalized mantra from a guru, teacher or mentor, this is not the only way to obtain one. In this post, we’ll walk you through some tips on choosing a mantra and highlight some popular transcendental meditation mantras.
How To Choose A Mantra
You can select from some of the common mantras listed below, or you can consider what motivates you. Is it love? Enlightenment? Peace? Wisdom? Search for positivity and balance in whichever mantra you choose, and don’t tie too much attachment to its meaning. Focus on the sound it makes when it leaves your mouth. Whatever grounds you and brings you back to the present is what will serve you best.
What Is Transcendental Meditation?
Transcendental meditation is a technique for streamlining thoughts and promoting inner harmony by sitting comfortably for twenty minutes, twice per day, and repeating a nonverbal sound or mantra to attain a deep state of relaxation and awareness.
It was founded by the Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh in 1955, and it is a tried and true method for stress reduction, self-development and discovery of the deep mind. It is typically taught by a certified teacher in a standard course and is said to stimulate brain wave patterns in such a way that the effects of meditation linger long after the session is done.
Popular Mantras
Many who practice transcendental meditation call upon mantras rooted in ancient Sanskrit. This is a way to draw on rich history and wisdom, representing profound ideologies from the Hindu faith. These mantras have been summoned for ages, and are popular many meditators. It’s often the sound that matters most, not the meaning tied to it.
A few examples of popular mantras for transcendental meditation include:
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
This mantra is an invocation to Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu deity known as the remover of obstacles. This mantra is said to awaken the shakti, or cosmic energy, and evicts any barriers that stand in your way! Chanting this mantra frees your energy and eliminates unnecessary negativity from your life.
Sat Nam
Sat Nam is a popular mantra used in Kundalini yoga, a type of yoga that releases the buildup of latent energy lying coiled at the base of the spine. “Sat” means truth and “Nam” means identity, so using the Sat Nam mantra calls on your true self during transcendental meditation.
If you’ve heard of yoga, then you’ve likely heard of Om. Om, pronounced “aum,” is the most sacred mantra in the Hindu faith, symbolizing the sound the universe made when it came into existence. Om is powerful, guttural, and satisfying to utter, and is often recited at the beginning and end of a yoga practice.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu is a Sanskrit prayer or mantra often chanted at the end of a yoga practice. In Jivamukti yoga, the mantra is translated as:
May all beings everywhere be free and happy. And may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all. This mantra represents collective peace and happiness. It is a wonderful way to reflect on the greater good and how you are contributing to it.
Living In The Moment
In the end, transcendental meditation mantras are about being in the moment, just as you are. It is from the present moment that truth is born. Live in it. Breathe in it. Express yourself fully in it. You can wear it, too. The Inspired by Stephanie Rose Collection has an uplifting line of attire designed to let you live in the moment and enjoy the now. Shop our mantra clothing collection today!